Friday, September 12, 2008

92 - Have Lifelong Friends

Dear David,

It's that time of year again, when we head up to The Cabin in Vermont to go to The Fair. There will be cotton candy, apple cider, and of course, all the Rides.

You will see your friend "Little Danny" and I'll see my friend "Big Danny".

Big Danny and I have been friends for a long, long time. We have known each other since we were Little. We went to school together, traveled together, and been friends most of our lives. We have watched each other grow up, get married, have Kids, and now we watch you Kids get Big.

Having friends who are your friends for a long time is Good for You. So much changes in life. You live in different places. You Work different places. You do different things, and develop, and lose, different interests. You grow up.

Everyone slowly becomes different people from what you started off being. Kids become grown ups, then husbands and wives, then parents, then grand parents.

Having life long friends who have known you most of your life through all of your changes helps you remember where you came from, and how you became who you are. So choose people carefully, and make a few of them your life long friends. Even though you may end up living far away from one another, make time to reconnect in meaningful ways. Relationships have to be fed to live and grow.



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